Upgrading to Pelican 3.7
Some notes on upgrading an existing website to Pelican 3.7
(mis)adventures in software development...
Some notes on upgrading an existing website to Pelican 3.7
Using TabLayout from the Design Support Library -- the least you need to know.
Android Tabs (part 2): Android tabs example using TabLayout.
A simple Android example of implementing tabs using PagerTabStrip with ViewPager.
Android Tabs (part 1): Android tabs example using PagerTabStrip.
Telecommunications and other things Attorney-General George Brandis knows nothing about.
Telecommunications and other things Attorney-General George Brandis knows nothing about.
Is Attorney-General George Brandis hiring hackers to spy on us?
A recent job ad seems to suggest that’s exactly what his department is doing.
And some other random Pelican tips and tricks...
Adding recent posts list to a Pelican blog, and using TEMPLATE_PAGES.